2013年8月9日掲載 平成26年度(2014年度)5年一貫制博士課程合格者受験番号一覧
2013年8月9日掲載 平成25年度(2013年度)3年次編入学(10月入学)合格者受験番号一覧
「生活習慣病などの治療法に期待 - 阪大、細胞内器官の除去・修復機構を発見」吉森保教授らの研究成果がマイナビニュースで紹介されました。
2013-08-28 "Detailed mapping of perceptual and cognitive representations across the human brain" Prof. Jack L. Gallant (Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley)
CiNet/FBS Seminar
"Detailed mapping of perceptual and cognitive representations across the human brain"
Date / Time : August 28, 2013 / 16:00 - 18:00
日時:2013年8月28日 16:00 - 18:00
Place : CiNet Building 1F Conference Hall (A)
場所:CiNet棟1階 大会議室(A)
## Map and directions:
(CiNet Building is [Blue Circle #11] right next to the Nanobiology Building (FBS) in the map)
Most information in the human brain is represented at a scale far finer than can be obtained in typical localization experiments. Measurement of this fine-scale information could provide important new insights about the functional representations underlying cognition. In this talk I will summarize our work showing how multiple aspects of visual and linguistic information are represented across the human brain. Our work leverages a new approach to this problem that has been developed in my laboratory over the last several years. This approach involves quantitative computational modeling of brain activity data recorded by fMRI while subjects watch movies or listen to stories. For example, we find that semantic information in movies and speech is represented in low-dimensional semantic spaces that are mapped systematically across cortex. These representations span several dozen distinct gradients and areas, many of which lie outside any region-of-interest established in previous studies. Thus, the representation of perceptual and semantic information is far richer and more complex than suggested by previous fMRI localization studies. Our approach provides a powerful new method for mapping the representation of many different perceptual and cognitive processes across the human brain, and for investigating how these representations are modulated by attention, memory and learning.
Jack Gallant is Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, and is affiliated with the graduate programs in Bioengineering, Biophysics, Neuroscience and Vision Science. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University and did post-doctoral work at the California Institute of Technology and Washington University Medical School. His research program focuses on quantitative computational modeling of brain data. These models accurately describe how the brain encodes information during natural tasks, and they can be used to decode information in the brain in order to reconstruct mental experiences. This computational framework can be used to understand and decode brain activity measured by different methods (e.g., functional MRI, NIRS, EEG or ECOG), and in different modalities (i.e., vision, audition, imagery and so on).
"Detailed mapping of perceptual and cognitive representations across the human brain"
Date / Time : August 28, 2013 / 16:00 - 18:00
日時:2013年8月28日 16:00 - 18:00
Place : CiNet Building 1F Conference Hall (A)
場所:CiNet棟1階 大会議室(A)
## Map and directions:
(CiNet Building is [Blue Circle #11] right next to the Nanobiology Building (FBS) in the map)
Most information in the human brain is represented at a scale far finer than can be obtained in typical localization experiments. Measurement of this fine-scale information could provide important new insights about the functional representations underlying cognition. In this talk I will summarize our work showing how multiple aspects of visual and linguistic information are represented across the human brain. Our work leverages a new approach to this problem that has been developed in my laboratory over the last several years. This approach involves quantitative computational modeling of brain activity data recorded by fMRI while subjects watch movies or listen to stories. For example, we find that semantic information in movies and speech is represented in low-dimensional semantic spaces that are mapped systematically across cortex. These representations span several dozen distinct gradients and areas, many of which lie outside any region-of-interest established in previous studies. Thus, the representation of perceptual and semantic information is far richer and more complex than suggested by previous fMRI localization studies. Our approach provides a powerful new method for mapping the representation of many different perceptual and cognitive processes across the human brain, and for investigating how these representations are modulated by attention, memory and learning.
Jack Gallant is Professor of Psychology at the University of California at Berkeley, and is affiliated with the graduate programs in Bioengineering, Biophysics, Neuroscience and Vision Science. He received his Ph.D. from Yale University and did post-doctoral work at the California Institute of Technology and Washington University Medical School. His research program focuses on quantitative computational modeling of brain data. These models accurately describe how the brain encodes information during natural tasks, and they can be used to decode information in the brain in order to reconstruct mental experiences. This computational framework can be used to understand and decode brain activity measured by different methods (e.g., functional MRI, NIRS, EEG or ECOG), and in different modalities (i.e., vision, audition, imagery and so on).
第91回生命機能研究科研究交流会2013年 9月18日(木)15時~17時特別講演:西本伸志 主任研究員(CiNet)/山本慎也 主任研究員((独)産業技術総合研究所)
2013年08月27日(火)掲載 ダイナミックブレインネットワーク研究室 赤ちゃんラボ赤ちゃん研究員募集中です。
2013年09月10日(火)開催 「高解像観測を可能にする補償光学 ~最新の天文学を中心にして~」服部雅之博士(国立天文台・すばる望遠鏡/現 基礎生物学研究所・光学解析室 NIBBリサーチフェロー)
2011年09月11日(水)掲載 生命機能研究科ロゴマーク公募の終了について
大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科のロゴマークを制定するにあたり、2013年5月に公募したところ、 46点の応募がありました。これら多数の応募をいただき、誠にありがとうございました。
大阪大学 大学院生命機能研究科 企画室
大阪大学 大学院生命機能研究科 企画室
第91回生命機能研究科研究交流会2013年9月18日(水)15時~17時特別講演:西本伸志 主任研究員(CiNet)/山本慎也 主任研究員((独)産業技術総合研究所)
第92回生命機能研究科研究交流会2013年10月24日(木)16時~18時特別講演:戎家美紀 チ-ムリ-ダ-(理化学研究所)/若山照彦 教授(山梨大学)
2013年09月12日(木)掲載 「第7回 若手合宿」(H25/7/29-31開催)の報告です。
"Reprogramming and nuclear dynamics" Dr. Yusuke Miyanari (IGBMC, Strousbourg, France)
10月2, 3, 4日 連日13時〜16時10分 特別集中講義「数理脳科学と情報幾何への誘い」甘利俊一 先生(理化学研究所脳科学総合研究センター)
連日:午後1時から4時10分(3限 1:00-2:30、4限 2:40-4:10)
甘利 俊一先生
R. Abbot and P. Dayan, Theoretical neuroscience: computational and mathematical modeling of neural systems. MIT Press, 2001.
また、情報幾何はいま単行本を執筆中であるが、しっかりしたものとしては(難しいが) S. Amari and H. Nagaoka, Methods of Information Geometry, American Mathematical society and Oxford University Press, 2000 (岩波応用数理講座、「情報幾何」、1993の拡張翻訳版)
連絡先:北澤 茂 kitazawa@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
連日:午後1時から4時10分(3限 1:00-2:30、4限 2:40-4:10)
甘利 俊一先生
R. Abbot and P. Dayan, Theoretical neuroscience: computational and mathematical modeling of neural systems. MIT Press, 2001.
また、情報幾何はいま単行本を執筆中であるが、しっかりしたものとしては(難しいが) S. Amari and H. Nagaoka, Methods of Information Geometry, American Mathematical society and Oxford University Press, 2000 (岩波応用数理講座、「情報幾何」、1993の拡張翻訳版)
連絡先:北澤 茂 kitazawa@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
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- The Times(イギリス)"Newts reveal why corked wine smells of mouldy socks" September 17 2013.
- Die Welt(ドイツ)"Korkiger Wein verändert den Geruchssinn" 17.09.13.
- The Daily Mail(イギリス)"Musty flavour of corked wine is caused by a chemical that KNOCKS OUT your sense of smell" 16 September 2013.
- Science/AAAS NEWS(アメリカ)"Corked Wine Plugs Up Your Nose" 2013-09-16.
- Science News(アメリカ)"News in Brief: Chemical behind corked wine quashes other aromas" September 16, 2013.
- Live Science(アメリカ)"Secret to Bad-Smelling Wine Revealed" September 16, 2013.
- ABC(オーストラリア)"Corked wine confuses smell receptors" 17 September 2013.
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大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科 大学院係