Speaker: Edward S. Ruthazer (Dept. Neurology & Neurosurgery, Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University)
Title: Contributions of neuron-glia interactions to visual system development
Date: August 7th (Fri)
Time: 16:00-17:30
Place: Seminar room (3F), Nanobiology Building
Host: Nobuhiko Yamamoto (nobuhiko@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp)
We have used multiphoton time lapse imaging of the developing visual system in the intact Xenopus laevis tadpole and zebrafish larva to better understand the mechanisms by which neural activity and sensory experience control circuit refinement during development. Our experiments reveal the existence of important bidirectional signaling between neurons and glial cells that are driven by various environmental stimuli. These signals normally participate in healthy circuit development and may manifest as neurodevelopmental disorders when they go wrong.