日頃は大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科ホームページをご利用いただきありがとうございます。下記の期間、停電のためサービスを一時停止しますので、ご不便をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご理解いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
日頃は大阪大学大学院生命機能研究科ホームページをご利用いただきありがとうございます。下記の期間、停電のためサービスを一時停止しますので、ご不便をおかけいたしますが、 何卒ご理解いただきますようお願い申し上げます。
Mar 5, 2018 (Mon), 16:00-17:00
2F Seminar room, BioSystems Building
Dr. Satoshi Toda (Department of Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology, University of California)
Synthetic morphogenesis: Programming multi-cellular self-organization
A common theme in the self-organization of multi-cellular organisms and tissues is the use of cell-cell communication networks to control morphological properties of cells. Here we harness the modular cell-cell signaling platform called synNotch to engineer artificial genetic programs in which specific cell-cell contacts induce changes in cell morphology. Despite their simplicity, we find that these minimal intercellular programs are sufficient to drive the generation of synthetic structures with many hallmarks of natural developmental systems: template-independent self-organization into multi-layer structures, formation through sequential steps, divergence of cell types, symmetry breaking, and regeneration upon injury. I will talk about our recent results on synthetic self-organizing structures and their potentials.
Shigeru Kondo
吹田キャンパス 生命機能研究科 生命システム棟2階 セミナー室
Tel: 06-6879-4428
E-mail: tfukagawa@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
杉村博士は、阪大医学部卒業後、直ちに米国渡り、ストワーズ研究所院を経て 、現在Daley研のポスドクとして武者修行を続けています。
吹田キャンパス 生命機能研究科 ナノバイオロジー棟3階 セミナー室
杉村竜一(Children's Hospital and Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical school, Boston)
ヒト多能性細胞から様々な組織系統の細胞を分化させるにはモルフォゲンへの段階的曝露により胚発生を模倣する、またはマスター転写因子の強制発現のアプローチがとられてきた。本研究はヒト造血幹細胞を誘導するために、ヒト多能性幹細胞を造血性内皮に分化させ、更に造血発生を促す26の候補転写因子をスクリーニングした。我々は造血性内皮を初代および二次マウス宿主において骨髄球、BおよびT細胞に分化することができる造血幹および前駆細胞に変換するのに十分な7つの転写因子(ERG、HOXA5、HOXA9、HOXA10、LCOR、RUNX1およびSPI1)を同定した(Sugimura, 2017 Nature)。モルフォゲンによる分化および転写因子の導入を組み合わせた我々のアプローチは、ヒト多能性幹細胞から造血幹細胞および前駆細胞を生成し、ヒト化マウスの造血疾患のモデル化および遺伝的血液疾患の研究を促進するだろう。
Tel: 06-6879-7967
Mar 29, 2018 (Thu), 16:00-17:30
2F Seminar room, BioSystems Building
Dr. Miria Ricchetti (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
Mitochondrial dysfunction in a progeroid disease
Cockayne syndrome (CS) is a rare disease characterized by dramatic precocious ageing and neurodegenration. CS is considered a DNA repair disease since the mutated proteins, CSA or CSB, are essentially known for their involvement in the repair of UV-induced DNA damage, and most CS patients indeed display UV hypersensitivity. However, recent findings point to other causes than the sole DNA repair defect, and CS has clinical features of mitochondrial diseases. We discovered that cells from these patients display affected mitochondrial function in turn due to overexpression of a serine protease. These defects can be rescued in patient cells by the scavenging of oxidative and nitrosative stress. We consider the possibility that mitochondrial and cellular defects observed in CS have also implications in regular ageing.
Dr. Shahragim Tajbakhsh (Institut Pasteur, Paris, France)
Intrinsic and extrinsic regulation of the muscle stem cell niche
The microenvironment is critical for the maintenance of stem cell populations, and it can be of cellular and non-cellular nature, including secreted growth factors and extracellular matrix (ECM) as well as intrinsic regulators. Skeletal muscle satellite (stem) cells are quiescent during homeostasis and they are mobilised to restore tissue function after muscle injury. Although certain signalling pathways that regulate quiescence have been identified, the mechanisms by which niche molecules regulate stem cell properties remain largely unknown. We have identified Notch signalling as a major regulator of the muscle stem cell niche. Notably, we identified satellite cell-produced collagen V (COLV) as a Notch target and a critical component of the quiescent niche. Strikingly, COLV, but not collagen I and VI, specifically regulate quiescence through Calcitonin receptor mediated activity in a cell-autonomous manner. We speculate that this novel cascade that employs an ECM protein as a signalling molecule could be operating in other tissues.
Sachiko Tsukita
Binocular disparity information is an important source for 3D perception. Neurons sensitive to binocular disparity are found in almost all major visual areas in non-human primates. In visual area V4, disparity processes are suggested for the purposes of 3D shape representation and fine disparity perception. However, whether V4 neurons are sensitive to disparity-defined edges used in shape representation is not clear. Also, a functional organization for disparity edge responses has not been demonstrated so far. With intrinsic signal optical imaging, we studied functional organization for disparity edges in monkey visual areas V1, V2 and V4. We found there is an orientation preference functional map in area V4 activated by edges purely defined by binocular disparity. This map is consistent with the orientation map obtained with regular luminance-defined edges, indicating a cue-invariant edge representation in this area. The map pattern is stable among different non-critical parameters of the visual stimuli, while using anti-correlated random dots no longer elicited it.
In contrast, such a map is much weaker in V2 and totally absent in V1.
These findings reveal a hierarchical processing of 3D shape along the ventral pathway, and the important role V4 plays in shape-from-disparity detection.
Apr 12, 2018 (Thu), 16:00-17:00
2F Seminar room, BioSystems Building
Dr. Katsumi Kitagawa (Greehey Children's Cancer Research Institute)
The Kinetochore and Cancer
Defects in the kinetochore function lead to chromosome instability (CIN). CIN typically yields a heterogeneously aneuploid tumor cell population that has the ability undergo selective evolution, as is required for processes such as metastasis and resistance to therapy. I will talk about our recent findings of the potential role of CENP-A, a centromeric histone H3 homolog, in cancer development of Ewing Sarcoma.
Tatsuo Fukagawa
Tel: 06-6879-4428
E-mail: tfukagawa@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
北川先生との個別面談希望者は、深川までご連絡ください。議論の時間をアレンジい たします。
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生命機能研究科所属の大学院生 (主に後期課程3年生以上)、研究員・若手研究者等
Apr 9, 2018 (Mon), 13:30-14:30
1F Seminar room, Nanobiology Building
Dr. Laurence Wilson (Department of Physics, University of York)
High-throughput image analysis for studies of microbial motility
The study of microbial motility is the meeting point of many disciplines, from microbiology to fluid mechanics. My group specialises in developing high-throughput image analysis routines for the study of motility in freely-swimming microorganisms, as well as some of the larger motility-related appendages such as eukaryotic flagella. Our goal is to understand the complicated relationship between cells' internal structures and chemical states, and their outward motion. I will briefly review a few developments from my lab over the last few years, including high-speed imaging for bacterial swimming in complex fluids, and holographic imaging for long-range cell tracking studies in three dimensions.
Keiichi Namba
吹田キャンパス 生命機能研究科 生命システム棟2階 セミナー室
Tel: 06-6879-4428
E-mail: tfukagawa@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
May 1, 2018 (Tue), 15:30-16:30
2F Seminar room, BioSystems Building
Tim Spencer, Ph.D. (the Deputy Editor of JCB)
Publishing in High Impact Journals
Published papers are often seen as the primary currency of academic science. A single such paper can be the result of several years of work by numerous individuals. And yet, it is still unclear to many academic researchers what happens to their paper once they submit it and what the editors of any given journal are looking for. Dr. Tim Spencer, the Deputy Editor of the Journal of Cell Biology, presents an overview of the publishing process from submission to publication which sheds light on the sometimes mysterious process of manuscript submission and editorial/peer review. Dr. Spencer has previously served as a Senior editor of the journal Nature Neuroscience and will also comment on the similarities and differences in the publishing process utilized by JCB and those of other well-known publishers such as Springer Nature, Science, and Cell Press.
FBS Planning Office
Tel: 06-6879-4645
E-mail: fbs-kikaku@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
吹田キャンパス 生命機能研究科 生命システム棟2階 セミナー室
細谷俊彦(理化学研究所 脳神経科学研究センター)
Tel: 06-6879-7975
E-mail: skondo@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp
May 28, 2018 (Mon), 16:00-17:30
2F Seminar room, BioSystems Building
Hiroki Taniguchi, Ph.D. (Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience)
Wiring Mechanisms for Cortical Inhibitory Circuits
Cortical inhibitory interneurons (INs) play a critical role in shaping and balancing activity in neuronal networks. This indispensable task is achieved by a rich repertoire of IN subtypes, which differ in morphology, physiology, and connectivity and possess distinct functional properties. During postnatal development, cortical INs develop highly branched axonal arbors to form dense local synaptic networks and establish subtype-specific synapse specificity at cellular/subcellular levels. Despite their importance in brain function and dysfunction, wiring mechanisms for IN circuits remain largely unknown. Difficulties in dissecting IN circuit wiring are ascribed to lack of a reliable strategy to target uniform IN subtypes and follow their developmental trajectory. Chandelier cells (ChCs) powerfully control action potential generation in excitatory pyramidal neurons by specifically innervating axon initial segments. The stereotypy of axonal and synaptic organization makes ChCs an ideal experimental system to study wiring principles of IN subtypes. We have developed a genetic method that allows us to label and manipulate developing ChCs. In my talk, I will present our unpublished data demonstrating 1) that voltage-dependent calcium channels regulate axonal arborization in ChCs and 2) that cell surface molecules that are preferentially expressed in ChCs control cellular/subcellular synapse specificity. Our results provide not only deep insight into molecular mechanisms for IN circuit wiring but also novel experimental paradigms for an analysis of IN subtypes.
Nobuhiko Yamamoto
Tel: 06-6879-4636
E-mail: nobuhiko@fbs.osaka-u.ac.jp